2001-08-17 - 12:10 p.m.

today starts off a weekend of hopefully full-fledged silliness. Today my fraternity(Phi Delta Theta) is starting our retreat. Yea I know I'm in a fraternity, but the way I look at it I wouldn't still be in school if it wasn't for some of the friendships and people keeping me in line. So today I get to sit in our hot as a mofo basement with about 30 other guys for about 4 or 5 hours. It'll suck but it'll also be good to see the guys I havn't seen during the summer. Then tomorrow we go camping. Lots of beer to be drunk and stories to be told. But since I quit drinking I think I'll just drink a twacker of Mt. Dew along and just go crazy from the caffeine(caffeine hangover just as bad as alcohol). Then Sunday is a house-day. Thats where we clean up the house and re-paint and all that good stuff. I don't really have to do anything cuz I am the house manager. That means I just tell people waht to do and stuff like that. And then on Monday I get too go back to Vegas for a week. It should hopefully be fun. Umm thats about it for now... by3 by3

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I'm the only one that knows what today is.... - 2007-02-10
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a few months overdue - 2006-09-18
- - 2006-06-15
