2001-09-11 - 2:37 p.m.

Soo much anger built up inside right now... This shit is ridiculous. All I know if this supposed Third big war is going to happen I'll make sure to be right in the middle of it. I know I've put this on here before but I'm doin it again..... "save us the human existence is failing. resistance essential. the future written off. the odds are astronomically against us only moron and genius would fight a losing battle against the super ego when giving in is so damn comforting and so we go on with our lives we know the truth but prefer lies lies are simple. simple is bliss. why go against tradition when we can admit defeat. live in decline. be the victim of our own design with status quo built on suspect. why would anyone stick out their neck fellow members of club we�ve got ours, i�d like to introduce you to our host he�s got his and i�ve got mine, meet the decline " - NOFX

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last five entries:
- - 2012-06-06
I'm the only one that knows what today is.... - 2007-02-10
- - 2006-12-25
a few months overdue - 2006-09-18
- - 2006-06-15
