2002-01-15 - 12:20 a.m.

Well work this week is gunna suck. Two days starting at 4:30 in the morning. uggggg. And my entire day has been spent getting yellled at by my mom about school. I just can't win with her I guess. Oh well... Heres sumthin else I wrote a long time ago. I dont like it too much but the few people that I have shown it to kind liked it...

I try to be nice too you

I try to show you that I still care

You say you want to still be friends

but when I try to act as I would

with a friend

I am given a cold shoulder

a blank face

an uneasy smile

I want to be friends

I want to be on good terms

But you make it difficult

when you act so coldly towards me

It hurts to be treated this way

it hurts to be left in the dark

I still want to know how your feeling

how your doing

What makes you laugh

What makes you cry

last - next

last five entries:
- - 2012-06-06
I'm the only one that knows what today is.... - 2007-02-10
- - 2006-12-25
a few months overdue - 2006-09-18
- - 2006-06-15
