2002-02-28 - 12:09 a.m.

well I dont have much to write tonight... But I see that as I write this my little counter at the bottom is at 262... If you look at my page and are number 263 please sign my guestbook... cuz that makes you special... cuz 263 is the bestest number ever... and who knows maybe I'll get a hold of you and send ya sumthin nice... like nekkid pictures of me. Oh wit thats not very nice at all

Tip of the day:"Replace your cat or dog with a lobster."

last - next

last five entries:
- - 2012-06-06
I'm the only one that knows what today is.... - 2007-02-10
- - 2006-12-25
a few months overdue - 2006-09-18
- - 2006-06-15
