2002-03-18 - 12:53 a.m.

"Every artist wants to be applauded. The praises of their contemporaries is the most precious part of his reward. What then will he do to obtain praise, if he has the misfortune to be born among a people and at a time when learned men, having become fashionable have placed a frivolous youth in a position to set the tone; when men have sacrificed their taste to the tyrants of their liberty; when, because one of the sexes dares approve only what is a march for the other's pusillanimity, masterpieces of dramatic poetry are dropped and harmonic prodigies rejected? What will he do gentlemen? He will lower his genius to the level of the century and will prefer to compose popular works, which are admired during his lifetime instead of marvels, which would not be admired until long after his death."

-Jean-Jacques Rousseau

Sound familiar Offspring-182?

Tip of the day: "Learn to say, "I'm onto you" in sign language."

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I'm the only one that knows what today is.... - 2007-02-10
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a few months overdue - 2006-09-18
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