2002-03-29 - 11:46 p.m.

Man I saw the funniest movie ever tonight. I reccomend that everyone go out and sse Death To Smoochy. I never thought that Robin Williams could use soo much profanity. It was great. Speaking of movies I still can't wait til Spider-Man comes out.

"Spider-man, Spider-man

Does whatever a spider can

Spins a web, any size

Catches thieves, just like flies

Look out! Here comes the Spider-man!

Is he strong? Listen, Bud!

He's got radioactive blood.

Can he swing from a thread?

Take a look overhead.

Hey there, there goes the Spider-man!

In the chill of night,

At the scene of the crime

Like a streak of light

He arrives just in time

Spider-man, Spider-man

Friendly neighborhood Spider-man

Wealth and fame, he's ignored

Action is his reward

To him, life is a great big bang-up

Wherever there's a hang-up

You'll find the Spider-man!" - The Ramones (yes friends they are in the Rock-and-Roll hall of fame now too)

Tip of the day:(more of a useful phrase)"This conversation never took place, understand? That was 10 years ago. She had all that makeup on. You know how it is, she said she was 26."

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I'm the only one that knows what today is.... - 2007-02-10
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a few months overdue - 2006-09-18
- - 2006-06-15
