2005-09-27 - 11:16 p.m.

I have no idea what has happened. Yet my heart and thoughts go out to you. I know your upset and it's tearing me apart. They always have been and always will be with you. I wish I could be there for you with whatever it is you are going through, but I think we've grown too far apart for me to be of any use. I'll always love you and hurt when you hurt and smile when you smile. If you need me you'll always know where to find me.

I know this is about the 100th time I've had this song on here but....

For Now - Stretch Arm Strong
"don't you know you are my everything
and don't you know you make my heart sing
you've turned my world inside out
now i know what life is about
and it's you i can't live without
you say for now just let me be
you say for now i will be beat
you cry inside and you die inside
i stand by and watch it all go by
i hope for you
and i'll wait until you smile and you make my heart stand still
but, the wait is long
will it ever end?
the pain and suffering of my best friend
you destroy yourself by a single thought
spiraling downward now you've been caught
you come up for air
and then you'll see how much you're loved
and how sweet life can be
don't you know you are my everything
and don't you know you make my heart sing
you've turned my world inside out
now i know what life's about
and its you i can't live without
but, i'll try to just get by for now
and i'll walk on by for now"

last - next

last five entries:
- - 2012-06-06
I'm the only one that knows what today is.... - 2007-02-10
- - 2006-12-25
a few months overdue - 2006-09-18
- - 2006-06-15
